I've always had a bit of a tendency to overthink things - in a negative way. It becomes so habitual that it becomes the norm and we know negativity attracts negativity - so it kind of continues in a vicious circle.
Becoming a solution focused hypnotherapist has really helped me to become aware of when I start to think negatively and I am better equipped to override these negative thoughts now. Solution focused hypnotherapy has made me become aware of how powerful our brains are and has given me a better understanding of how my thoughts impact my whole life and how much better everything is when you can turn these thoughts around and see the positives.
"It made me think how much our inappropriate thoughts can also impact the things we love"
I'm really passionate about my horses and spent many fun years being the groom and major supporter of my daughter and her horses on her dressage journey. When she gave up a couple of years ago I was left holding the reins of an advanced dressage horse that I couldn't ride and couldn't bear to sell.
There was only one option in my mind, so I started having lessons for the first time in my life and when my trainer suggested I was ready to compete, complete panic set in.
Again I was negatively overthinking - what would go wrong? Would I totally embarrass myself? Would I totally embarrass my trainer? Would I let Ben (my horse) down? What if I got a really rubbish score? It made me think how much our inappropriate thoughts can also impact the things we love and enjoy, and I see this so much amongst my friends in the equestrian world.
"The theory behind Solution focused hypnotherapy really inspired me"
So many of my friends have lost their confidence from falls, struggle with nerves or just lack motivation to ride. The theory behind Solution focused hypnotherapy really inspired me, for my own confidence and also to try and help others around me who were struggling.
My daughter has suffered for many years with emetophobia and at times of stress this has really impacted all areas of her life. It has been difficult as a parent to watch her struggle with this and despite trying all sorts of things in the past nothing has really worked. Solution focused hypnotherapy for her was very effective and she found the sessions so positive and uplifting.
I'm sure she'll never be completely free of emetophobia but if she can continue to manage the obsessive thoughts and behaviours and live her best life then she's doing great!
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